We offer you our condolences for the passing of your loved one. Please
know of our prayers for you at this time—Fr Coan always remembers the recently
deceased in his prayers at daily Mass. For those wishing to have a funeral and
burial at St. Mary’s, we are happy to help you in this time in order to commend
the soul of your loved one to God, to offer thanks to God for his or her life,
and to be strengthened in the hope of the final victory of Christ and the resurrection
of the body.
Once you know when you would like to have a funeral for your loved one, please contact the office at St. Mary's. Ordinarily, if he is available, Fr. Coan will celebrate the funeral liturgy, unless you would like to have a visiting priest or deacon celebrate. We don't hold vigil services, viewings, or wakes, but Father Coan, if available, would hold a prayer service at the funeral home. If he can't attend, he will help to find a priest or deacon to say prayers. The parish hall may also be rented out for repasts to follow the funeral. More information about our fees and how to prepare for the funeral liturgy can be found in the document below.